Finesto is an innovative company, which exports stone veneers (Sandstone, Ecostone, and Slate) and wallpapers made of natural stones, and has strong international sales and sole istributers all around the world. Over the years, Finesto, as supplier of Stone Veneers and wallpaper products, completed various commercial and residential projects across the globe.
Due to its high-tech manufacturing factories, located in three different countries, Finesto has all the potential to produce large quantities of stone veneer and wallpapers with competitive prices.
Finesto, a well-known innovative enterprise, is the leading firm in manufacturing flexible stone veneers (sandstone,ecostone, and slate) and crystal wallpapers. Research and evelopment (R&D) and the product development play a vital role in the excellence and merit features of Finesto. We accompany this trend to continue to produce novel products every year.